Corporate Corruption
[ h / t : Mike ] [youtube]K99LvfeWBoc[/youtube]
A brief history of Iran and America’s relations and the facts that have led to this political gridlock. This is something every American should watch. [youtube]Q_AHJQiMxIw[/youtube]
Governments and corporations have more control over the Internet than ever. Now, digital activists want to build an alternative network that can never be blocked, filtered or shut down. Just after midnight on January 28, 2011, the government of Egypt, rocked by three straight days of massive antiregime protests […]
This video narrates a collection of diverse phenomena in the debris cloud of the South Tower that point to explosive demolition. [youtube]DChR1XcYhlw[/youtube] Particularly notable is one projectile (which I have not seen discussed previously) that is shooting to the east, then stops, midair, then turns a sharp corner and shoots […]
[youtube]qCqmI1SQB5o[/youtube] We are also told about the Salafists, and a little on the secular nature of Syria, and the competing goals of the Gulf States, particularly Qatar to rule by religion. Supporting links at youtube source.
This video concentrates on the two major 9/11 issues: The Unidentified Planes and The Controlled Demolitions. Nothing else. [youtube]kID0F8-kxDg[/youtube] It does not mention the NORAD stand–down; the don’t-fly and don’t-go-to-work warnings or the Dancing Israelis or any of the other anomalies and suspicious happenings. The alleged amateur suicide pilots are […]
[ Apparent youtube recently reset this video’s views counter from 8,000 + to zero ] [youtube]eLMvKLCL8CE[/youtube]