The “Occupy Wall Street” protests in the financial district took a dramatic turn on Saturday when protesters tried to march across the Brooklyn Bridge. When police arrested 700 of the demonstrators, the event quickly turned into one of the largest arrests of non-violent protesters in recent history. [youtube]ezYoxIYJjSo[/youtube] Some protesters […]


The conversation that began on Wall Street on September 17 has swept northward to Boston, and inspired a powerful national movement. [youtube]TUi6CWGPb3I[/youtube] Joining with nearly 100 actions in cities from Los Angeles to Dallas, Chicago,and Washington D.C., concerned citizens have come to speak out for greater economic equality.


[youtube]Ow77AVMOsLU[/youtube] On February 18, 2010 this BetterBadNews video clip introduced the idea of adding a third light beam to the twin light beams reinstalled each year at ground zero on the anniversary of Sept 11, 2001. The idea was presented to a strategy session of the Architects and Engineers for […]
