The US has conducted its first drone strike on Islamist militants in Somalia, marking the expansion of the pilotless war campaign to a sixth country. The missile strike on a vehicle in the southern town of Kismayo, reported last week as a helicopter assault, wounded two senior militants with […]
Corporate Corruption
[ Iceland Tells Europe to ‘ Go Pound Sand ‘ 🙂 ] Iceland is free. Read the rest here
[youtube]zOygBM55hks[/youtube] 1 Million Libyan Civilians Protest Against NATO & Its Rebels Attacks In Libya Date: 01/07/11 The Libyan people have spoken we don’t want any divisions, we don’t want any imperialists, we are one and we live as one or die as one. [ Cut and pasted from the […]
The mega billionaires of the mega corporations directly influence and control the mega public servants – think from presidents down to presidents’ appointees. Some aptly refer to these ‘megas’ collectively as the shadow government. The mega billionaires of the mega corporations set up mega foundations to channel, centralize and […]
Just moments after Greek politicians sold out the 80% majority opposed to the banker bailout and passed draconian austerity measures, rioters in Athens responded by turning Greece into a war zone, setting banks, cars, and the Finance Ministry on fire. As Tyler Durden reports, things are heating up in Greece, literally. […]
[ Heeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeesss -Larry- ] [youtube]d31Pd9_g3qc[/youtube]
There’s quite a lot of fun to be had in mapping our current economic woes on to John Kenneth Galbraith’s interpretations and criticisms of capitalism, first published in 2004. One of the many “frauds” that he says capitalism foists on us is that of “accepted fraud”, whereby shareholders in a […]
By Dr. Alan Sabrosky Many years ago I read a fascinating discussion of the “tactics of mistake.” This essentially entailed using a target’s prejudices and preconceptions to mislead them as to the origin and intent of the attack, entrapping them in a tactical situation that later worked to […]
[ … yep … … we can see you … ] The ritual in Eyes Wide Shut (Youtube, 5 min, embedding disabled) While perusing the Jeff Rense-Benjamin Fulford interview transcript in researching Chinese secret society which I previously discussed, I came across the interesting tidbit : […]
[youtube]zoxxmGpp6HI[/youtube] [youtube]jIu66kft9nM[/youtube] [youtube]32T96ZkgzQQ[/youtube]