In the first 24 hours of the Libyan attack, US B-2s dropped forty-five 2,000-pound bombs. These massive bombs, along with the Cruise missiles launched from British and French planes and ships, all contained depleted uranium (DU) warheads. DU is the waste product from the process of enriching uranium ore. It […]
Corporate Corruption
Bottom line: After WW I, Britain broke the Muslim world into a number of arbitrary and highly corrupt (and easily controlled) states. The better to extract their oil from. Post WW II, the US took over the deal. [ … because everyone else lost WW II ] Everyone knows that […]
Yes, these clips look infantile, but stupid this one is not. From the creator of QE2 for dummies… Paulson, Geithner, AIG, Goldman, Bernanke and more. [youtube]yipV_pK6HXw[/youtube]
This from the truly -brilliant- Oscar winning doco “Hearts And Minds” Video … and this from what’s going on right now US Already At War In Pakistan : Drone Attacks Exceed Kosovo War – but against an ally’s ‘expendables’ [youtube]7-vV2HDWa4c[/youtube]
The November 26 election is one of the most important in decades. Both major parties are committed to policies by which the New Zealand economy is even more dominated by transnational corporations more and more of our farmland is owned by foreigners publicly-owned assets are privatised and the country is […]
[youtube]LJmS_92Oo9I[/youtube] [youtube]Aupqwx6vaCs[/youtube] [youtube]OclelSX1qJs[/youtube]
Good one. I especially like the last sentence about regaining “moral stature” in the world [youtube]r_RWHiC7K3k[/youtube]
This 5-minute video, along with the re-posted information from “AntiCorruption Society,” presents important considerations in understanding the oligarchies who have hijacked the US government. The presenter is Benjamin Fulford. What we know from the facts are the US engages in unlawful wars all based upon lies known to be lies as […]
Daniel Ellsberg speaks for the first time on the imposition of a No Fly Zone in Libya. And Activists are planning events around the globe to protest the US government’s treatment of Army Private Bradley Manning. The country remains divided on the question of whether Manning is a patriot or […]
The Cost Of A Coke ~ 2nd Edition Matt Beard’s film exposes the lies, moral bankruptcy and corruption that pervades Coca-Cola in Colombia and highlights conflicts of interest of Federal Judge Jose Martinez in presiding over the Coca-Cola lawsuits. Video here