Professor Emeritus James Fetzer, Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, took sharp issue with Sunstein’s attempt to discredit its proponents, saying his “Conspiracy Theories” report (discussed below) is a “corrosive approach” and “massive blunder” to believe they’re “obviously false!” In fact, “No one can know which theories are true or false […]

The Western commercial system exists to extract more from consumers than it supplies in products and services. Its goal is profit and has never been to improve the human condition but to exploit it. When governments institutionalize this system, they place their nations on suicidal paths, because as Jefferson recognized, […]


JOHN KEY’S NATIONAL GOVERNMENT RUNS FOR COVER !! KEY’S  DECISION TO “SEIZE AND DESTROY”  THE ‘MAINLANDS LARGEST INDEPENDENT INVESTOR’   HAS BACKFIRED!! Thousands support Local Icon  Alan Hubbard, and largest independant S.I. investor Please join us and support New Zealand’s Struggle for justice and demand due legal process !! —  PLEASE […]

“I am an American citizen” said Hesham Tillawi, president of the LaFayette Islamic Center, who has announced his decision to file a lawsuit against persons and entities responsible for creating the present state of anti-Islamic hysteria sweeping the nation. “My wife and children are American citizens. We came here to […]
