[youtube]pNjb1MGmGDc[/youtube] [youtube]GxhMmjDlIC0[/youtube] [youtube]OrkpcbmXAWE[/youtube] “This series is based on an article by Jeff Gates, who is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, merchant banker, educator and consultant to governments worldwide, who served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is the author of Guilt by Association, […]
[youtube]-SOeDbt8hiU[/youtube] [youtube]GzttdNh1B5c[/youtube] [youtube]mWShfsAcq2o[/youtube]
[youtube]LgDBOuJn9G0[/youtube] [youtube]NWV4Nd89zAQ[/youtube] [youtube]4RXvuJcBnIE[/youtube] [youtube]Ps9bkYxQqSQ[/youtube] [youtube]Uo0ZdYCYrlo[/youtube] [youtube]XFBnEJxKzBg[/youtube] [youtube]N2H5Bj22W9k[/youtube] [youtube]Q5vNerQ0Jtw[/youtube] [youtube]1Xh0dXuBpW4[/youtube] [youtube]dm7LWWvhr6U[/youtube]
[ h / t : Goyim ] [youtube]j4MjsVnasLA[/youtube]
Falls The Shadow by Helen Pollock – Artist from Scott Ewing on Vimeo. A spectacular sculpture by Auckland ceramic artist, Helen Pollock, using a mix of New Zealand clay and clay from the battlefields of Passchendaele. “Falls the Shadow” depicts a grove of hands reaching up in a way that […]
[youtube]urs14eAaFcM[/youtube] [youtube]s_rH80kTpqI[/youtube] [youtube]uuZVri4bBT0[/youtube] [youtube]UEKJBEDwYVE[/youtube] [youtube]DRMyncmDuGw[/youtube] [youtube]nXOx3_ID0xs[/youtube]
Oliver Stone’s powerful new documentary about progressive change in Latin America is opening in the US this month. JFP President Mark Weisbrot co-wrote the script. The trailer is here: [youtube]76IxxapAHQo[/youtube]