One of these puppeteers caught in the act of ventriloquism, the other drown out by the beautiful sound of free speech at work. Enjoy! MH Our first offering I could listen to all day long. Joe’s puppeteer Obama meets Karma. A beautiful moment captured for posterity. Obviously, the “ventriloquist’ lady […]
Meltdown News
Lurid headlines about a ‘deadly’ heatwave in the U.S. last month pinned the blame on climate change and claimed that the warmth was just getting started. ‘Deadly US southwest heatwave will expand to cover much of America as warnings issued,’ cried Sky News. Will JonesDaily ScepticWed, 09 Aug 2023 Now the data are […]
Beijing is under water and the MSM isn’t reporting, why is this? Superstitions regarding The Mandate of Heaven? A weather mod operation gone horribly wrong? Here’s some good info to peruse. MH 252,543 views Aug 6, 2023 The biggest floods in China in over 100 years. Is this a sign […]
Nuclear Armageddon is never far away from the news these days is it? Like the early 80s all over again. MH Andrew Osborne – Reuters July 30, 2023 Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who has sometimes raised the spectre of a nuclear conflict over Ukraine, said on Sunday that Moscow […]
Tesla certainly takes a unique approach to customer complaints. Most would have a Customer Care team. Tesla has a Customer Deflection team! This is big news in the US but not a whisper from NZ’s MSM. Here’s the source report from Reuters. About a decade ago, Tesla rigged the dashboard […]
A Smart City is an urban environment with omnipresent surveillance and data harvesting technologies that will monitor and record even the most intimate, personal details of everyone. Author: David Sorenson, The goal is to know everything about everybody: what you eat and drink, where you go, what you buy, […]
ESG seems noble enough on the surface, but as UK banking customers are discovering, it is a trojan horse for political control. The high-profile case of Right-Wing Brexit guru Nigel Farage has now dragged the issue into the headlines. Martin Harris 20/7/23 So what is ESG? Chances are that if […]
Like academia, Hollywood has transformed from a venue for creative freedom to a dreary instrument of Communist indoctrination and social engineering. So don’t expect any sympathy for strikers or producers. We’re happy to see Hollywood self-immolate and dance around the pyre. by Mike Stone – ( “Hello, kind sir. Could you please spare $100 for the […]
The Dutch government collapsed on Friday, after failing to reach a deal on restricting immigration. The crisis was triggered by a push from Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s conservative VVD party to limit the flow of asylum seekers to the Netherlands, which two of his four-party government coalition refused to support. […]
“If cocaine is so prevalent in the West Wing that there is somehow ‘extra’ cocaine just laying around, when is the White House going to start drug testing its employees?” — Margot Cleveland Opinion by Jim Kunstler Consider for a moment, and be grateful for, how perfect “Joe […]