Mainstream Media reports on the Wellington situation have been mixed and confusing. But what does one expect? Is this protest over or just heating up? As the protest stemming from the Freedom Convoy reaches it’s third day, we’ve had figures ranging from a “a few hundred disruptive protestors” to “a […]

Yesterday I stood with friends and colleagues at one of the many highway overpasses in Toronto as we watched a truly historic moment unfold before our tear-filled eyes. Thousands of liberty-loving Canadians from all walks of life were gathered there—as they were throughout the country—in the freezing cold, holding aloft […]

“There arrives a moment of truth when the West either accepts our proposals or other ways will be found to safeguard Russia’s security.” Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation at the Vienna negotiations By Mike Whitney Here’s a simple way to test your understanding of the current US-Russia standoff. All […]

The war drums beat louder. You can almost hear the cash registers ringing in high places. Perhaps this ties in with the UK dropping all mandates: Preparing for war with Russia? From The Western Journal: The Russian military will strut its stuff off the Irish coast next month in a […]

I’d take this reporting on the Ukraine situation with a grain of salt. A very big grain of salt. CNN seem to have a standard “template” for these reports that all use the phrase “Citing multiple sources familiar with the matter,” and reading between the lines, the story has no […]

China has been telling the world that its brutal lockdowns in service of reaching zero covid cases have largely been effective. But China is also changing the definition of the “zero” in zero covid to better align with the uncomfortable reality that covid-19 cannot be arrested or suppressed into extinction. […]

This is a “must watch” speech from Peterson. This is the Peterson I remember. A man of fire and courage. A man of inspiration and stirring words. I’ve missed this man. Welcome back Jordan Peterson. Martin It’s mid January, 2022. I wrote this column this week for one of Canada’s […]

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, he has expertise in the interpretation of data Guy Hatchard Also by Guy Hatchard: Risk of Myocarditis Following mRNA Vaccination Higher than Risk from COVID Infection A definitive preprint study of 25 December 2021 analysing data from 42,000,000 cases […]

Who remembers “Event 201” and what came afterwards? We’re playing it for real, today, right? So when the Powers That Be hold a Financial collapse simulation, it would be prudent to take note, yes? Martin BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, DEC 21, 2021 – 11:20 PM Earlier this month Reuters produced a report […]
