Day of action against government austerity cuts are held as eurozone debt crisis increases. english.aljazeera.net Protesters in Italy and Spain are holding a day of action against their government’s latest austerity measures. In Spain, protests are taking place in the capital Madrid, calling for a halt to constitutional reforms which […]

Source: guardian.co.uk Only a new way of managing the global economy can prevent more mayhem in the markets and on the streets For the past two centuries and more, life in Britain has been governed by a simple concept: tomorrow will be better than today. Black August has given us […]

https://videocafe.crooksandliars.com//david/trump-id-be-willing-pay-more-taxes Real estate mogul Donald Trump said Monday that he would be willing to pay a higher tax rate but most oil companies would not because they are not patriotic. “Warren Buffet made another splash with his op-ed in The New York Times, saying it’s just not right that he, […]

https://www.7gen.com/blog/david-herron/were-nuclear-reactors-designed-be-explosive-democracy-now Were the nuclear reactors designed to be explosive? Today’s episode of Democracy Now (Mar 17, 2011) contains some, uh, explosive claims from Karl Grossman and Paul Gunter. What they say is that nuclear fuel rods are themselves designed with explosive materials. Not the “fuel” (uranium) inside the fuel rods, […]
