Meltdown News
Source: pubrecord.org What if the greatest scam ever perpetrated was blatantly exposed, and the US media didn’t cover it? Does that mean the scam could keep going? That’s what we are about to find out. I understand the importance of the new WikiLeaks documents. However, we must not let them […]
Former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs: Egyptians, Greeks, Tunisians and British Are All Protesting Against Pillaging of Their Economies Nomi Prins – former managing director of Goldman Sachs and head of the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London – notes that the Egyptian people are rebelling against being […]
A most excellent article. Bottom third is the core of the argument. [Ed] https://www.financialsense.com/contributors/daniel-amerman/hiding-a-depression-how-the-us-government-does-it HIDING A DEPRESSION: HOW THE US GOVERNMENT DOES IT Submitted by Daniel R Amerman CFA on Wed, 29 Dec 2010 OVERVIEW The real US unemployment rate is not 9.8% but between 25% and 30%. That is […]
https://vdare.com/roberts/all_columns.htm The Washington Times is a newspaper that looks with favor upon the Bush/Cheney/Obama/neocon wars of aggression in the Middle East and favors making terrorists pay for 9/11. Therefore, I was surprised to learn on February 24 that the most popular story on the paper’s website for the past three […]
Source: thestreet.com NEW YORK – It may just be the summer doldrums, or the ominous occurrence of a Friday the 13 in mid-August, but the Hindenburg Omen — a technical indicator of an impending stock market crash — is suddenly as important a market mover as testimony from Federal Reserve […]
Fears are growing for an economy carrying a 9.5% jobless rate and a predicted $4tn in excess mortgage debt Source: guardian.co.uk/business/ A crippled housing market. Stubbornly high levels of unemployment. Falling consumer confidence. Slower growth in industrial production. No wonder Ben Bernanke, the world’s most powerful central banker, appeared a worried […]
Source: alternet.org Our economy can’t thrive when the richest 1% get an ever larger share of the nation’s income and wealth, and everyone else’s share shrinks. Wall Street’s banditry was the proximate cause of the Great Recession, not its underlying cause. Even if the Street is better controlled in the […]
I don’t play cards, but if I did… I’d get some of these https://financialterrorists.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/financial-terrorists-playing-cards/ https://financialterrorists.wordpress.com/sample-cards/ chuckle chuckle