This from Arundhati Roy and Brief, articulate, relevant and to the point. What’s happening here is happening everywhere. [youtube]Z2Ok6apsHlg[/youtube]
[ Kind of speaks for itself … ] [youtube]lntNYsw7Fc0[/youtube]
The Northern Imposed Imbalance (or: ‘Why Is My Life Getting More Expensive?’) By Scott Ewing, 8th September 2009 I was on my way to work when it hit me – something went, like a fan belt snapping or the crack of a hip bone. My life is getting more expensive. […]
Who is in control of people’s breath, sweat and blood for money? Well … [More on everyone’s favorite Slavery Mechanism here:]
Really can’t wait until TVNZ ditches its One Network News sponsor so I can finally start hearing some more interesting factoids on the banks… … like ‘how much money flows out of the country everyday ‘ & financial discussions could finally include statements […] Economic destruction of America a real threat, debts too massive for paper to absorb, mysteries still surround Madoff, the Goldman scam, 57 banks have now gone under this year, families struggle to pay college bills, TARP a mystery to taxpayers, no stability at AIG, jobless benefits drying up for […]
In a sign of the growing movement to end the Fed, the bastion of the economic status quo – the Wall Street Journal – published an OpEd today entitled “Let’s Break Up the Fed” and subtitled “The Federal Reserve has done a terrible job at financial regulation. Why give it more power?”. […]
… economists go very quiet. By Simon Jenkins They’re happy to take the credit in the good times, but the disciples of this false science are hard to find in a recession. So the Footsie has tumbled again. Forgive me for asking, but where are the economists? As the nation […]
Tim Jackson 16 Jul 2009 Every society clings to a myth by which it lives. Ours is the myth of economic growth. For the last five decades the pursuit of growth has been the single most important policy goal across the world. The global economy is almost five […]