Grasping at Straws By Mike Whitney Published on The Smirking Chimp ( Created Sep 21 2008 – 8:35am On Friday morning, Senator Christopher Dodd, the head of the Senate Banking Committee, was interviewed on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Dodd revealed that just hours earlier at an emergency meeting convened by […]
What Did Bush&Co Know And When Did They Know It? by Steve Brant Economic Shock and Awe", as Arianna put it , indeed. In another parallel to the planning of the Iraq War, there is this curious answer given by Deputy White House Press Secretary Fratto at the end of […]
According to Representative Mike Burgess (R-TX) Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has declared Martial Law upon the House of Representatives, throwing duly elected republicans out of meetings concerning the Financial Crisis Bailout Bill!!!!!! Watch for yourselves below: [youtube]l7B4laX1E70[/youtube]
By Rand Clifford September, 2008, a month that will live in infamy. A month where official purring about our economy’s solid fundamentals have erupted into official bayings about economic collapse. Financial markets are suddenly so choked with “toxic debt” that only a hasty trillion-dollar taxpayer Heimlich Maneuver “might” get […]
Financial Bailout: America’s Own Kleptocracy The largest transformation of America’s Financial System since the Great Depression by Michael Hudson Nobody expected industrial capitalism to end up like this. Nobody even saw it evolving in this direction. I’m afraid this failing is not unusual among futurists: The natural tendency is to […]
By Jim Willie CB – editor of the “Hat Trick Letter“ Sep 12, 2008 More crucial than ever, observers must take the broader perspective that avoids overhearing the party on Wall Street. They know not what they celebrate. It is their demise. They rejoice over the collapse of mortgage bonds […]
“In 2008, Americans will wake up to the worst economic times that anyone alive has ever seen. And they won’t know what hit them.” — Gerald Celente, 17 December 2007 As Predicted, Economic 9/11 Hits Wall Street: Depression Next, Trend Seer Says RHINEBECK, NY 18 September 2008 — In 2007, […] “It is easy to ignore the storm if you look at the opposite horizon. When the storm reaches your location there can be no more ignorance.” I hate to tell you, but the storm has reached your location and it is a Category 5 hurricane. The levees are leaking. […] The plan for an economic takedown, the results of rampant market speculations, insiders picking up assets for pennies on the dollar, the coming hyperinflation, the credit crunch, collapse of the dollar carry trade, suppression of metals prices, American meddling in Georgia The Big Sting Two is now being implemented […]
by Mike Whitney | July 29, 2008 – 12:26pm The Bush administration will be mailing out another batch of “stimulus” checks in the very near future. There’s no way around it. The Fed is in a pickle and can’t lower interest rates for fear that food and energy prices will […]