New name, same agenda. TPPA is now CTTP. Ben Vidgen brings us up to speed: By Ben Vidgen “the Dyslexic Detective” Malaysia is hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting on Nov 20. The USA joining the TPPA (now called CPTPP investment provisions) is expected to be on the agenda. […]
As the MSM trashes Trump and presents Joe Biden as a glorious saviour of the free world, it’s time for a reminder who the real criminal is! (and PS Trump just won Alaska: the count goes on!) MH The Biden Family’s Foreign Corruption Former Speaker of the House Speaker Gingrich […]
Pro-democracy politicians in Hong Kong have resigned en masse after four of them were expelled from the territory’s parliament. Sky News The legislators were apparently banished from the assembly for endangering national security. The 19 members of the opposition have confirmed they will submit their letters of resignation on Thursday. […]
The WEF says the public will ‘rent’ everything they require: stripping the right of ownership under the guise of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘saving the planet’. Of course, the tiny elite who rolled out this great reset will own everything. Hundreds of millions around the world deemed ‘surplus to requirements’ are […]
There are a lot of things to be concerned about if Joe Biden were to win the presidency. By Nick Arama | Nov 06, 2020 There are a lot of things to be concerned about if Joe Biden were to win the presidency. Among the things, as we saw in the lead […]
This whole US election stinks like no US election has stunk before (and that’s saying something!)MH Wake Up To The Truth Clever Journeys The company with all the voting machines that “glitch” to create more votes for Biden is “Dominion Voting Systems.” Their DC lobbyist is Nancy Pelosi’s longtime aide. […]
“While the lockdown is extreme, it was absolutely necessary following a recent surge in people not getting infected…” planetmoron Nov 6th, 2020 You might be wondering if this is this the same United Kingdom that was the birthplace of John Locke and Adam Smith, home of the Magna Carta, and crucible […]
Parisians caught fleeing the city in ‘dystopian’ scenes: 700 kilometer traffic jam! Sky News Australia It is “dystopian and deeply disturbing” the way in which people are fleeing Paris en masse as the country heads into another widespread mass lockdown, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean. Parisians have been […]
Contrary to the anti-Trump spin they’re promoting on the TV News here in NZ, the US economy is bouncing back! MH Jeff Coxcnbc.comThu, 29 Oct 2020 Coming off the worst quarter in history, the U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace ever in the third quarter as a nation battered by an […]
The following document was authored and supplied to us by a long-time devoted reader, Oliver Carter. Perhaps Oliver’s proposal for a banking solution will inspire and provide food for thought? Read on…