Banks that settle scandals out of court continue in their wicked ways. Instead, they should be hauled before a judge so justice is seen to be done, says economist Mathijs Bouman. But Mr Hamers, how do you explain the fact that your own computer system was programmed deliberately to limit […]
The NWO at work: As America continues it’s inward focus (“Make America Great Again”) financial government aid to the outside world dries up. Trump is fulfilling his election promise, plain and simple. I don’t recall him saying he would make the world at large “Great Again”, just his own turf! […]
Chinese investment in Africa could create national economies ‘entirely dependent on China’, say experts ‘These firms come under the guise of partnership, but this rhetoric, combined with genuine short term benefits masks longer term problems’ “Infrastructure projects create jobs, provide an opportunity for skills development and the transfer of new […]
Yes, Jeff is back, and with a vengeance. One of the most important and informative articles yet: “In recent years military strategists have shifted from nuclear to technetronic* weapons, a leap as great as that from gunpowder to atom bombs. The creation and accumulation, the ‘stock-piling’ and dispersal of […]
The president has criticized Federal Reserve policy for undermining his attempts to build the economy. The best way to make the central bank serve the needs of the economy is to make it a public utility. Posted on July 30, 2018 by Ellen Brown For nearly half a century, presidents […]
Radioactive uranium has leaked through the floor at the Westinghouse fuel factory on Bluff Road, contaminating the soil in an area of Richland County with a nearly 35-year history of groundwater pollution from the plant. By Sammy Fretwell July 24, 2018 05:58 PM The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says […]
Global Warming? Geoengineering gone mad? Natural cycles of Mother Earth or something bigger? Japan continues to swelter, as record temperatures hit much of the Northern Hemisphere, notably the UK Here’s a report on the Japanese situation From Japan Is the Latest Country to Break a Heat Record By Brian […]
Unexplained Mysteries Published on Jul 19, 2018 Subscribe 354K Emergency closure at Yellowstone as a 100ft new fissure has been discovered. Recently a 100ft fissure has opened up at Yellowstone… It’s a worrying thought but what would happen if Yellowstone erupted. It would start with a number of earthquakes. These […]
Protection Rackets and snuffing out competition: The Stuff of gangster movies and real life Big Pharma! By Tyler Durden Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, $8 per vial in competing developed-world nations and $38,892 in the U.S. That says it all. Thanks to decades of gangster films, […]
The Big Banks robbing hard saving Kiwis of their retirement funds? These banksters have no conscience, that’s for sure. Report from Radio NZ: Default settings on KiwiSaver funds have given $1billion to banks instead of savers and an unnecessary $70million to the taxman over the past six years, according […]