Unexplained Mysteries Published on Jul 19, 2018 Subscribe 354K Emergency closure at Yellowstone as a 100ft new fissure has been discovered. Recently a 100ft fissure has opened up at Yellowstone… It’s a worrying thought but what would happen if Yellowstone erupted. It would start with a number of earthquakes. These […]
Protection Rackets and snuffing out competition: The Stuff of gangster movies and real life Big Pharma! By Tyler Durden Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, https://youtu.be/OaAwIB9ik7Q $8 per vial in competing developed-world nations and $38,892 in the U.S. That says it all. Thanks to decades of gangster films, […]
The Big Banks robbing hard saving Kiwis of their retirement funds? These banksters have no conscience, that’s for sure. Report from Radio NZ: Default settings on KiwiSaver funds have given $1billion to banks instead of savers and an unnecessary $70million to the taxman over the past six years, according […]
Here’s one that brings no real surprise, but I’m sure confirms what many “knew” all along. Making NZ “Predator Free” (let’s start with humans, huh?) by 2050. Life on Earth is a story of distribution, population and migration: You can’t beat nature! I thought John Key’s grandiose plan was idiocy […]
Most sensible thing our government has said in a long time. Personally I prefer Hydrogen Cell over electric/hybrid for the motor car of the future, so this seems like a positive step. So being a suspicious person I guess there must be something nefarious lurking behind it. “If it seems […]
Could this be the beginning of the end of the Federal Reserve? …One can only hope! California Dreaming: Cannabis Cash, Public Banks—and the State’s Own Mini-Fed? 06.07.2018 – Redazione Italia (Image by A medical marijuana shop at Venice Beach in Los Angeles, Calif. (Adam Jones / CC BY-SA 2.0)) by […]
Trump is economically destroying America by ‘talking it up’. The ploy of the bullshit salesman, believing that it baffles brains. It usually baffles those with little experience and rationality; the intellectualized regurgitators. The footpath mounds we try to avoid on a daily basis. It also baffles the less articulate products […]
Obviously, no one in The UK is capable of managing The Bank of England. Bring in Mark Joseph Carney, a ‘Canadian Economist’ as Governor of the Bank of England. He also Chairs The G20 Financial Stability [sic] Board. Carney began his ‘career’ at Goldman Sachs before joining the Canadian Department […]
After the absurd theatre of May, Rudd, Johnson, and Williamson, pretending that Putin sprayed the unwanted, low end, traded-pawn Skripal, and his daughter, with some ‘Military Grade’ nonsense, May announced to the world that England would not be going to The Russian World Cup. The goose who LOST the last […]
Did he go to the moon or not? either way, something is brewing in the Aldrin Clan, and it appears a “third party” may “using” Buzz’s Social Media accounts to create a rift. What’s going on here? Here’s some excerpts from an article by USAtoday.com Legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin sues […]