Local currencies are popping up to help local communities while states look into alternatives to the dollar as a hedge to falling dollar value and mounting government debt. [youtube]_1wILUDBnUs[/youtube] ­ Are these “domestic terrorists” who could tear apart the country, or are Federal government policies affecting the economy terrorizing them? […]

Our media is mired in cynicism, regardless of the label of mainstream or alternative. Sadly, it is what seems to drive the news. People flock to the latest disaster, scenario of hopelessness, or individual story that proves things can get so much worse for us  . . . personally. The […]


In Israel mainstream media are being accused of burying their heads in the sand over coverage of the biggest anti-government protests the country has seen in decades. Tens of thousands of people, fed up with deteriorating living standards, are staging demonstrations calling for Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stand down. […]
