This is real journalism with balls. Veritas goes for the Jugular! NYT Begs Court to Dismiss Veritas Defamation Lawsuit; Admits Article Inaccuracies Under Oath! Project Veritas 856K subscribers SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Support our work with tax deductible donation: Sign up to get our emails:… Follow us on […]
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Really. He wrote this in 1992, shortly after George Bush announced the New World Order as his “fifth objective” in 1991. Imagine my surprise when a Wall Street Journal editorial appointed me dean of the Pat Buchanan school of neo-isolationism. My credentials? Believing that the Pentagon’s new strategy — America […]
Good solid data, no-nonsense, hype-free presentation, from a man with solid credentials. A great resource! As always, visit the source, give the uploader a “like” and help defeat the censorship! (NZers note the gov’t has already slapped a COVID advisory on this video). I’ve watched several of Dr, Moran’s videos […]
Trump proudly lists all the achievements and progress that the Dems will probably undo. “No new wars”. Well. Biden will flush that down the toilet surely. And he promises that the show isn’t over. I hope he is true to his word. President Donald Trump Delivers Farewell Address The White […]
A brace of hilarious-yet-nearly-true articles on the inauguration from the satire-masters at the Babylon Bee. Most Popular President In History To Be Inaugurated In Secret Behind Giant Wall Guarded By Thousands Of Soldiers WASHINGTON, D.C.—President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated this week, and due to his incredible popularity with the American […]
MUST WATCH! Project Veritas 827K subscribers SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Support our work with tax deductible donation: Sign up to get our emails:… Follow us on social media: Project Veritas Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:… James O’Keefe Facebook:… Twitter: Instagram:…
A break from the US elections drama with some intriguing UFO-alien stuff! A Harvard professor believes that we were visited by an alien object in 2017. In his upcoming book, Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, theoretical physicist Avi Loeb lays out his theory about a peculiar-shaped object […]
After some of his supporters stormed Congress, US President Donald Trump said they had been wronged and mistreated but should go home in peace and “remember this day forever,” as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube restricted his posts. RTWed, 06 Jan 2021 After some of his supporters stormed Congress, US President Donald […]
Prepare to be shocked. Dyed in Red: The sinister background of “Moderate” Kamala Harris, China’s American dream president Counterpunch With Trevor Loudon 18.2K subscribers Kamala Harris’ Maoist roots The media tells us that Senator Kamala Harris is a “moderate” pragmatic Democrat – though her voting record is to the left of […]
Fantastic video channel that collates the best of current events lunacy. Here’s episode 24. Be sure to give the channel a thumbs-up and support the creator. The Outer Light77.9K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾