MUST READ: Don’t listen to the mainstream media narrative, here’s some truth medicine! From Posted on: Thursday, March 19th 2020 at 9:15 am Written By: GreenMedInfo Research Group This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2020 Serious doubts about the accuracy of COVID-19 testing methods, results, mortality rates, and […]
Editor’s Choice
Snuck through under the radar: Horrific NZ Abortion Amendment Act. Thanks to JoBloggz for sharing this blog While the rest of the world’s governments are dealing with Covid-19, the NZ government pushed through the Abortion Amendment Act a priority. It’s an extreme abortion bill that there’s no public mandate for […]
Absurdity beyond belief. This is madness. I’m off for a spot of cycling. Hope the cop-chopper doesn’t follow me! MH (And note that one can leave one’s home once per day, which means choosing between exercise or a trip to get essential groceries). Received from Pam Vernon at EWR: from […]
Wonderful comments from the folk at intersperse this BBC article. Enjoy! MH BBCTue, 17 Mar 2020 10:12 UTC People are recovering from COVID-19 ‘like they would from the flu’ Comment: That’s because it IS ‘the flu’, you morons! (At least, it’s one of the many viruses – which includes […]
A jaw-dropping example of Ice Age architecture has been unearthed on Russia’s forest steppe: a huge, circular structure built with the bones of at least 60 woolly mammoths. Brian HandwerkSmithsonianMon, 16 Mar 2020 12:00 UTC But exactly why hunter-gatherers enduring the frigid realities of life 25,000 years ago would construct […]
“.. this hoax is bigger than any before, a massive display of power. The people behind this cattle drive are not virologists, but rather people in industry, Intelligence and government who have the power to crash markets, shut down travel, and force sports teams to play to empty stadiums. I […]
Spread this far and wide! A well constructed rebuttal against the IPCC lie. MH Cap AllonElectroverseWed, 11 Mar 2020 10:29 UTC Dr Roger Higgs, Geoclastica Ltd, Technical Note 2019-11, 6th April 2019, amended 7th March 2020 on ResearchGate (LINK HERE). We urgently need to expose the ‘CO2 = pollutant’ fallacy […]
Researchers find evidence of a cosmic impact that caused destruction of one of the world’s earliest human settlements Sonia FernandezThe CurrentFri, 06 Mar 2020 19:59 UTC Before the Taqba Dam impounded the Euphrates River in northern Syria in the 1970s, an archaeological site named Abu Hureyra bore witness to the […]
Smart young lady. Certainly more fluent and less rehearsed than Thunberg, Seibt can hold her own in an adult interview without resorting to theatrical dramatics and tantrums. MH Naomi Seibt Joins RT International The Heartland Institute 30.5K subscribers SEE ALSO:
While we were all looking the other way, this went down in the Arctic…. F. William EngdahlNew Eastern OutlookTue, 03 Mar 2020 00:00 UTC Against the backdrop of the spreading fear about a global coronavirus pandemic, an event has slipped largely under the radar at a spot so removed from […]