There’s a definite political party strategy, or dichotomy, regarding illegal immigration.  Nothing proves that more definitively than the video below wherein then-Democrat-Party President Bill Clinton told the Nation, in a speech before Congress, almost the same remarks about illegal immigrants which now-Republican-Party President Donald J. Trump says concerning illegal immigration. […]

It had to happen, and sooner rather than later. 11 years to go, and post-quake Christchurch is showing the way the future is likely to be if the UN and New World Order gangsters get their way: Sustainable apartment plan chosen for Crown-owned Christchurch site Homeowners could share cars and bikes […]

Delightful story from the wonderful world of Mysterious Universe.(Great site, please support them) How typically Russian. Masters of bluffery! Brett TingleyDecember 15, 2018 Oh, Russia, don’t ever change. While China, Japan, and the U.S. continue to make great strides in robotics, Russia…well, isn’t quite there yet. Throughout 2016 and 2017, […]
