The mRNA vaccine does not stop you getting Covid. It does not stop you transmitting Covid. The risks include myocarditis, especially among the male population, and high risks of miscarriage among First Trimester expectant mothers. That’s likely to be the tip of the iceberg as the evidence stacks up. And […]
Editor’s Comment
This is an excellent rebuttal to the “there is no virus” people who the author contends are a real drag on the Health Freedom movement. Jeremy R Hammond, in my humble opinion is totally honest, and a damn good writer/researcher. One of the best. His logic is impeccable, his patience […]
It’s just a jump to the Left. And then a step to the Right. But was it all planned that way, and what will the outcome be? Editor’s comment by Martin Harris It’s tempting to think that the turning of the tide will bring respite from the madness of the […]
Is Pope Francis the harbinger of the NWO’s One World Religion? This has always been a goal of the UN and an intrinsic part of the infamous Project Blue Beam plan. To merge all religions and create a government-controlled false religion that makes the masses obedient both politically and ideologically. […]
I suggest you have a bucket handy while listening to Ardern deliver her vile monologue. Anyone involved in the Freedom/ anti mandate protest movement should be feeling a burning anger at the gall of this woman. The rest of the speech might well have been composed by Klaus Schwab. And […]
As women across Iran finally rise up in mass protest against the enforced wearing of the Hijab, I’m reminded of the actions of Jacinda Ardern a few years back. In the immediate aftermath of the infamous Christchurch Mosque shootings, New Zealand’s prime minister engaged in an act of alleged compassion […]
Uncensored readers will have known about “Creepy Joe” Biden and his hands-on fascination with women and young girls since long before he entered the White House. However, when he comes straight out with a remark like this…well…can you imagine the media response if Trump had said something like this? MEME […]
Back in 2012 I proposed a theory that China may have triggered the earthquake in Christchurch, using tectonic weaponry, (“HAARP” technology) timed to upset the TPPA trade conference being attended by high-ranking US delegates. It has since become common knowledge that the CCP does indeed possess HAARP technology and isn’t […]
Despite Charles allegedly likening Putin “to Hitler” the Russian President has penned a compassionate letter of condolence. Published two days ago on the day of Queen Elizabeth’s announced passing, the letter reads: “Your Majesty, Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II,” “The most important events […]
Several years ago, I published a blog expressing the theory that the famous Kaikoura UFOs of 1978 were the result of an experiment in holographic imaging using plasma generated by ionospheric heating (“HAARP” technology). Recently while following up a potential connection with the more recent gun camera footage released by […]