Trump claimed he would end the Ukraine war very quickly. But latest speculations about him “likely” to supply Tactical Nuclear Missiles to Ukraine seems like a strange move, not mention alarming. So will Trump avert Armageddon, or hasten it? MH Here’s a couple of items on the subject which I’ll […]
Editor’s Comment
Drones have been harassing the USAF in recent weeks, having shifted from Navy targets several years back. Clearly they are intended to be seen and to be a show of technological superiority. So who is operating them? Many commentators wish us to believe its ET, but a more terrestrial source […]
Mars: Scientists have found reservoirs of water at depths of 6 to 12 miles (10 to 20 km) in the Martian crust. These reservoirs could contain enough water to fill oceans across the planet. Martin Harris 15/11/24 In other words, everyone from science fiction writers (HG Wells, Ray Bradbury…) and early […]
Annuit Coeptis…Novus Ordo Seclorum: “He looks upon us favorably…New World Order of the Ages”. Are we there yet? Editors comment by Martin Harris A mainstreamer friend said today “You’ve got wonder if there’s really any democracy at all, and if this is all just a big puppet show”. I told […]
Emergency Evac exercise using choppers took place at the Capitol Building earlier this week: What are they expecting? We were alerted to this by Hal Turner, who believes this to be a nuclear attack exercise. Turners take on the event here: Hal Turner Radio Show – BREAKING NEWS: FEDS “PRACTICE” […]
I can’t ignore this story any longer. Bill Gates finally brought to justice? You know what they say about “too good to be true”. Is it for real? Is it all it’s cracked up to be? here’s what we know… Comment by Martin Harris 29/10/24 Today in the Daily Telegraph […]
11 days to the US election. Kamala Harris’s campaign goes into freefall dive, but will Trump prevent civil war and curtail WW3 should he take the hot seat again or is chaos inevitable? Here’s two videos we think worth watching as New Zealand MSM certainly won’t show this side of […]
Civil War was planted in the minds of Americans earlier in the year via both movies and various news media portals. Recently it has re-emerged as a potential reality with both sides of the political divide pointing the finger. So who gains from this chaos? Curiously, the likes of alleged […]
Trump and Zelensky have a history, but many MSM outlets called their latest meeting “awkward”. Trump wants to end the war with Russia expediently, but are he and Zelensky on the same page? Who is actually profiting from war in Ukraine? 30/9/24 “deep dive” by Martin Harris According Nigerian (!) […]
Vindication for this author as I’ve proposed the theory many times over the years. Some (not all) UFOs are plasma based life or “pre-life” as this extraordinary research paper explains. Some readers may be familiar with the work of Trevor James Constable who backed up the theory with infra-red photography. […]