[youtube]urs14eAaFcM[/youtube] [youtube]s_rH80kTpqI[/youtube] [youtube]uuZVri4bBT0[/youtube] [youtube]UEKJBEDwYVE[/youtube] [youtube]DRMyncmDuGw[/youtube] [youtube]nXOx3_ID0xs[/youtube]
Today’s New Zealand Tabloid chose instead to go with the ‘Taliban Suicide Bomber’ as the cause of the blast. And it’s not the first time South West Asian weddings have been bombed from the air by the US military The deadly attack on a group of civilians at a wedding […]
[ As part of the white house press corp since, like, the Kennedy era … – this woman has probably filtered more PR bullshit than any other human being alive ] including this introspective bullshit from Michael Savage : Michael_Savage___Nazi_Hag_Helen_Thomas_Attacks_Jews____Sound_Clip_From_June_4__2010.flv [youtube]hkgbSqGmblg[/youtube]
Monday’s raid on ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists brought international criticism of Israel. The ships loaded with aid tried to break a three-year-old Israeli blockade of Gaza. The raid in international waters led to violence on one of the six ships. Anti-Israel protests in New York to California and back to […]
[youtube]YResfXTXd1c[/youtube] [youtube]v9Ss3LH0uqo[/youtube] [youtube]GvLLOt8PkG8[/youtube] [youtube]zVIwllhpiFY[/youtube] [youtube]JYZv2UnlouQ[/youtube] [youtube]a1MYD0Ckpfk[/youtube] [youtube]v1KpmaXgDxo[/youtube] [youtube]GZCAnXbv37c[/youtube] [youtube]hQHoZIFQUOU[/youtube] [youtube]cxtiaVhzGnk[/youtube] [youtube]AS98SgVS1DU[/youtube] [youtube]bBMOShSlbUU[/youtube]
Last week I posted a video commercial from the CFR that promotes all of the “wonderful” things it does. Now, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International (Dis-)Information Programs website has a whole page called, “Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation.” No, gang, there’s nothing on the page about Weapons […]
[youtube]mCNBObnj5QI[/youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSnXjE66tvQ [ and last but not least … ] .