The parts of the world hit hardest by the best-known Afghan business – the drug business – are Europe, Russia, and Iran, which absorb some 80% of the drugs produced in Afghanistan. Currently the country is responsible for 90% of the global narcotics output. Russia’s drug control agency chief V. […]
Great interview from New Orleans TV station WDSU. [youtube]dZHnStD690U[/youtube]
[youtube]ASODMKCJcsk[/youtube] [youtube]6_R4ZOzr-f4[/youtube] [youtube]RDudKTuYvO[/youtube]
The blot sickens. Things are starting to “add up” as we used to say: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7804922/BP-chief-Tony-Hayward-sold-shares-weeks-before-oil-spill.html