And this comes from the lofty Scientific American, no less, despite the conspiratorial tone! The big question for me is: Why did NASA cover up the evidence? MH Gilbert V. LevinScientific AmericanThu, 10 Oct 2019 16:43 UTC We humans can now peer back into the virtual origin of our universe. […]
A vegan diet may “dumb down” future kids, a nutritional expert has warned. Nick McDermottThe SunFri, 30 Aug 2019 11:57 UTC Writing in the health journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, Dr. Emma Derbyshire says a plant-based diet lacks choline — a key nutrient for mental development. It is mainly […]
Superb article from Hats off to author Luke Baier for a well constructed, hysteria-free bit of research and presentation! MH Luke BaierSott.netTue, 08 Oct 2019 18:35 UTC Does the current wave of climate change hysteria as represented by Greta Thunberg make you feel a bit uneasy? Or maybe you […]
Long before Ms. Brockovich became the subject of a blockbuster movie starring Julia Roberts, she was just another determined activist trying to stop a corrupt corporation from poisoning residents of an American community. By B.N. Frank Unfortunately, corruption like this never seems to end. The “Race for 5G” and all […]
There is a deep contrast between what’s happening in Hong Kong and the growing Extinction Rebellion protest movement. The former fights for democracy, the latter fights to subvert it. Opinion by Martin Harris First, there’s the Hong Kong situation: What would you do if a credible and immediate threat to […]
Evidence: POISONING bees and the Manuka honey industry. NZ’s Dept of Conservation try to wriggle around the fact that 1080 is an insecticide – but DOC even registered it as such in NZ as wasp bait. From Pam Vernon at Envirowach Rangitikei And here we have evidence of honeybees gathering […]
Forget the fake Climate Emergency; here’s something climate related to flip about! Mike McraeScience AlertSat, 05 Oct 2019 10:30 UTC Half a billion years ago, when trilobites ruled and dry land was a barren wasteland, Earth was having a terrible time making a decision. North and south had switched places […]
I doubt whether you’ll see this on the BBC! (Or TVNZ for that matter). Please spread far and wide and fight the lie! Posted on 2 Oct 2019 by Iowa Climate Science Education By Paul Homewood Lost amid the coverage of Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg at last week’s U.N. […]
Earthquake hazards from the NMFZ pose a significant risk to much of the US. Regionally, a large earthquake will affect people, property, infrastructure, and market and supply sectors. However, the importance of the region as a transportation and distribution center means that a large earthquake would have serious ripple effects […]
The behaviour of virtue-signallers is always marked by hypocrisy and ignorance. By Lushington D. Brady – October 2, 2019 2:30 pm Hollywood eco-crites jet from mega-mansion to climate summit in their fleets of private planes. A British study found that the most ostentatiously “green” lifestylers tend to have the biggest […]