Like a giant jack hammer, a series of earthquakes pounded Myanmar yesterday. The consistent and shallow depth is the first sign that this unusual bombardment could be an artificially triggered attack.
An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 that struck near remote islands belonging to Honduras on Tuesday was felt across northern Central America but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.
Jeff Wefferson alerts us to some shocking developments looming with potentially dire consequences for our environment and our planet:
11,500 year old remains of a “previously unknown human lineage” push back the date of North American inhabitation, reports Archaeology Magazine: Wednesday, January 03, 2018 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA—According to a New York Times report, an international team of scientists has mapped the genome of a six-week-old infant girl who is thought […]
“All the signs were there” according to Dutchsinse: Here’s some videos:
Investigators are trying to uncover why dozens of endangered dolphins have died in less than a month off Brazil. The bodies of more than 80 tucuxi dolphins, also known as boto cinza or gray dolphins, have been found in the baffling case.
The Trump administration is undoing the safety and environmental regulations put in place by President Obama after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster that killed 11 people and, for weeks, dumped millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, amounting to the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
From Pam Vernon at Envirowatch Rangitikei: This is about Predator Free 2050 & features names like NZLandCareResearch, Monsanto, DuPont, The Gates duo, the Rockefellers, US Defense / DARPA, & more, need I say more?
“We see what we believe, and not just the contrary; and to change what we see, it is sometimes necessary to change what we believe.” Jeremy Narby SATURDAYS@ 9AM EST-USA / FRIDAY 3 AM HAWAI’I TIME / SATURDAY 11 PM MELBOURNE/SYDNEY/TASMANIA TIME AUSTRALIA / 2 AM NEW ZEALAND TIME and […]
Yessenia Funes Wednesday 3:51pm A new study has found that babies born closer to hydraulic fracturing had lower birth weights than those born farther away. The researchers think this has to do with pollution. Published in the journal Sciences Advances Wednesday, researchers analyzed all Pennsylvania birth records from 2004 to […]