[youtube]FtdYTeor6jo[/youtube] CONTINUE WATCHING: https://ur1.ca/awhpi TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=6153 What cutting edge technologies are being worked on behind the scenes in military or intelligence research labs funded by off-budget, classified programs we can, of course, not even begin to speculate. But the utility of even these technologies that we do know […]

Depleted uranium is considered a weapon of mass destruction and is banned for use in warfare by international law, yet the US and Israel use it routinely. [youtube]pg2NHfoC2pc[/youtube] The US military has used thousands of tons of depleted uranium in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq sickening civilians and its own […]

ISIS Special Report 30/10/12 Why Glyphosate Should Be Banned ############################### A Review of its Hazards to Health and the Environment Now available as an illustrated 12 page PDF document for download https://www.i-sis.org.uk/onlinestore/fullReports.php#368 Glyphosate use has gone up sharply worldwide since the introduction of glyphosate-tolerant GM crops. It has contaminated land, […]

PEOPLE tend to have strong opinions about geoengineering – large-scale manipulation of the environment to counteract global warming. These opinions are often highly polarised and, thanks in part to media coverage, usually focus on two extremes. On the one hand, there is the view that geoengineering is the quick-and-easy fix […]
