America is upside down. What just happened is unthinkable and mind-boggling. This represents a radical 180-degree turnaround. What is it? The ever-lying, completely corrupt news media stood up – to everyone’s amazement – against Deep State puppet and ultimate traitor Joe Biden, and unanimously promoted their worst enemy, Donald Trump, as the best candidate […]

Update(2124ET): WikiLeaks has released its first footage showing Julian Assange as a free man, emerging from Belmarsh prison looking triumphant and joyous, and soon after boarding a plane to his native Australia… BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, JUN 25, 2024 Below is the official statement from WikiLeaks: JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE […]

The latest federal data from the Centers for Disease Control shows that the fertility rate among U.S. women plummeted to just 1.6 births per woman in 2023. by Leo Hohmann   Jun 6, 2024 This is the lowest recorded birth rate since the U.S. government began keeping such statistics in the 1930s. […]

Mega-bank JP Morgan gearing up to launch broad biometric payment system that will be made available to all retailers Leo HohmannLeo’s NewsletterTue, 21 May 2024  Mega-bank JPMorgan Chase is planning to rollout a biometric payment system and make it available to all U.S. retailers by early next year. This will […]

“We…found examples of people who upon leaving hospital found DNACPR decisions in their discharge papers without any discussion having been had with them… if they contracted COVID; they were being written off.” Adam Stachura- Director of AGE Scotland Dr. John Campbell… As an example, somebody got in touch with […]
