Some anonymous coward has dobbed in a well known TV personality for speaking his mind. Yet, every day in the media, we have far more serious blasphemies and affronts to human decency going on without anyone batting an eyelid. I’m a Christian, and I could easily counter and debate Fry’s […]
…How many souls are there really in this world? Do we just take it for granted the figures are true? Some are asking and searching for themselves:
Trump Now A Captive Of The Deep State Paul Craig Roberts When the gullible and insouciant American public and the presstitutes who participate in the deceptions permitted the Deep State to get away with the fairy tale that a few Saudi Arabians under the direction of Osama bin Laden, […]
What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open Apr26 by Jon Rappoport What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open by Jon Rappoport April 26, 2017 Senator Chuck Schumer on MSNBC (via ZeroHedge): “We’re no longer fact-based. The founding fathers created a country based on fact. We don’t have […]
United Airlines: Passenger forcibly removed from flight 9 hours ago Videos showing a man being violently removed from a United Airlines flight have provoked an outcry on social media. The footage taken inside the airliner shows a man being violently pulled out of his seat and dragged down the aisle […]
Is Australia Becoming A Fascist State? RE: NEW AUSTRALIAN POLICE STATE: COMPULSORY VACCINATION The Australian ex banker and globalist PM Malcolm Turnbull has announced that he wants to stop all unvaccinated children from attending childcare centres and preschools across Australia. Our TV News here in New Zealand this morning showed […]
By Jon Rappoport Some, but not all, waves of immigrants result from wars that leave people helpless and terrified. They run, they flee, they emigrate to the West. We must have more immigrants, according to self-styled “liberals.” So let’s have more wars. That’ll make liberals feel good about themselves, and […]
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is defending an officer’s pat-down of a boy at a Texas airport that outraged his mother and thousands and thousands of people who viewed her Facebook posting on the incident. For at least two minutes, the TSA officer at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport gives the […]
Spies tell lies, spying is lying Mar9 by Jon Rappoport Spying is lying, spies tell lies by Jon Rappoport March 9, 2017 In recent articles, I’ve highlighted items from the latest WikiLeaks data-dump of CIA files. For example: The CIA’s use of other nations’ hacking tools, in order to give […]
‘PM Malcolm Turnbull pushes for childcare ban for unvaccinated children ANNIKA SMETHURST Malcolm Turnbull meets with Toni McCaffery, who lost her daughter Dana in 2009 to whooping cough. UNVACCINATED children will be banned from all childcare centres and preschools in Australia under a hard line proposal spearheaded by the federal […]