The skullduggery of Henry Kissinger is well known, but little has been done about it. As the unofficial envoy of the Rockefeller Empire and a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, Aspen Institute, Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Commission, etc., Kissinger is at the heart of the power […]
An independent investigator from New York was arrested for asking state officials questions and discussing the investigation on YouTube. His bail is set at $50,000. Article
by F. William Engdahl Are there too many coincidences in the Boston Bombings official narrative to call them coincidences? Behind each one lurks the shadow of Graham Fuller—a top CIA strategist who famously advocated co-opting Islamic extremists to further advance the US agenda in Central Asia—and his cozy ties with the […]
THE PLOT SICKENS … FBI Director Continues Cover-up of Contacts with Boston Bombing Suspects By Barry Grey The bombings were used as the pretext for an unprecedented police-military lockdown of Boston and its suburbs, in which civil liberties were effectively suspended and federal, state and local forces tested out techniques […]
Paul Wedell speaking at Wellington Regional Council on the economic madness of fluoridation. Would just be funny if it wasn’t true.
Added Comment: The American public – and the world – has been lied to continuously and fooled into blindly supporting the most outrageous and egregious criminality of all time – so many times. When will they say, en mass – NOT THIS TIME! When will they recognize the fabricated lies and false-flag […]
The dust has settled on Boston, America’s newest example and scene of national insecurity. As Kevin Barrett’s hugely successful Press TV article pointed out yesterday we witnessed corporate media suggesting a major domestic terror attack might have been done by our own security people. Military Intelligence agrees. Article
I’m not a conspiracy-minded person, but something definitely stinks about this whole Boston Marathon bombing story. From what we’re reading about the case, the FBI had for at least two and possibly as many as five years been investigating Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old older brother killed during a shootout between […]