It’s becoming clear that the Fed is becoming increasingly concerned about public perception. [ A PR nightmare – is what eventually happens to you when you’ve been fisting half a planet for much of the last century and then people suddenly start finding out all about it. ] Article [youtube]uNNeVu8wUak[/youtube]
Chris Hedges talks on how spying and television allows the corporate state to take control of our minds and souls. The consequences of which resulted in a liberalism that has become profoundly bankrupted. [youtube]sU0AA31NcDw[/youtube] Steve Hughes counters his sister in law’s accusation that he is cynical about “bad” Australian TV. […]
[ The planes pictured are not Venezuelan planes ~ but they are a very familiar sight in the skies of Christchurch, New Zealand ] Article
The Bush regime’s response to 9/11 and the Obama regime’s validation of this response have destroyed accountable democratic government in the United States. So much unaccountable power has been concentrated in the executive branch that the US Constitution is no longer an operable document. Whether a person believes the official […]
The U.S. Justice Department has just released a 16-page memo outlining its justification for why President Obama can order drone killings of American citizens. The paper is a wild tour of bizarro-land justifications from a government that no longer abides by any Constitutional limits or even principles of human rights. As NBC News […]
Colin Powell’s former Chief of Staff explains how military policy and big business interests – are directly linked. [ … and about how all that ‘Bringing Peace, Justice and Democracy’ jazz – is just a big load of hooey ] [youtube]pscUctTU0sE[/youtube]
The 2001 bombing and invasion of Afghanistan has been presented to World public opinion as a “Just War”, a war directed against the Taliban and Al Qaeda, a war to eliminate “Islamic terrorism” and instate Western style democracy. The economic dimensions of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) are rarely […]
Answer : ‘Sure looks that way.’ Paul Craig Roberts reveals how social engineers infected America with mass paranoia here
In the years since the first post-9/11 invasion, “real” reasons have abounded regarding the various countries provided with “democracy” by the United States. These reasons include vast oil reserves, oil pipelines, opium fields, strategic positioning, no-bid contracts for the defense industry and military-industrial complex, and mineral deposits. All of these […]