Although most of us tend to have more “things” than we need, there is often a temptation to hang onto things well beyond their naturally depleted usefulness. A quick survey of what goes into people’s rental storage units is a fine example. Often, the goods stored in these rental units […]
A newly published report by the Israeli Jerusalem Post newspaper said that Israel did not rule out the use of white phosphorus bombs against Gaza in future attacks. . [youtube]OKHQro9OO-o[/youtube]
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Congressman Oscar Callaway lost his Congressional election for opposing US entry into WW 1. Before he left office, he demanded investigation into JP Morgan & Co for purchasing control over America’s leading 25 newspapers in order to propagandize US public opinion in favor of his corporate and banking interests, including […]
The laws of war are essential for citizens and legislators to master if humanity is to evolve beyond a violent history of war to enjoy civil communities. To bring these basic laws to life, we’ll review the destruction of war’s history, explain the letter of US war laws, explain the […]
[youtube]DdyD8yZ68NA[/youtube] The trailer of the documentary We are Nabi Saleh! Check out for more info.
An Iranian lawmaker says the Majlis (parliament) Energy Committee has finalized a draft bill to stop the country’s oil exports to EU member states in reaction to the bloc’s recent decision to ban oil imports from Iran. Nasser Soudani, deputy chairman of the committee, said on Saturday that the double-urgency […]
[ Open question : ‘What would be the geostrategic benefits of dominating this region of the world ?’ ] Videos here