But that doesn’t mean you can get pissed and end up hitting your spouse. Now that this collective escapism is behind us – maybe we can start to pay attention to things that actually matter. Here’s what you missed while your culture and attention span was being utterly distracted and […]
[youtube]JFFkbo3o0NM[/youtube] There are some people who can win any argument or debate, no matter whether they are right or wrong. Lawyers, for example, make really nice livings convincing juries that the most obviously guilty criminals are innocent. So goes the modus operandi of the 9/11 truth de-bunkers out there: wrong […]
Paul J. Balles reviews the crimes and cover-ups still awaiting the international spotlight, from Israel’s murder of US sailors aboard the USS Liberty, to Israel’s nuclear programme and Bush administration war crimes. Here’s a story to contemplate: From a passenger ship, everyone can see a bearded man on a small island. He […]
Like the Christchurch Press editorial did last week – and like some of the commentors do after the (linked) article below – the article below is also missing the point re ‘why we camp’. As NZ Truth so eloquently put it recently : “They do not understand the banking system, […]
British media have speculated that the man behind the fall of their minister of defense was in cahoots with Israel’s famed intelligence agency, Mossad, perhaps unwittingly, as the perfect spy. Adam Werritty, an unofficial “chief of staff” to Defense Minister Liam Fox – a much respected, staunch conservative who quit […]
A recent report published Tuesday by the Untied Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) showed that 35% of Gaza’s farmland and 85% of its fishing waters are totally or partially inaccessible due to Israeli military measures. The report said that the population of Gaza is 1.6 million, […]
A University of Zurich study ‘proves’ that a small group of companies – mainly banks – wields huge power over the global economy. The study is the first to look at all 43,060 transnational corporations and the web of ownership between them – and created a ‘map’ of 1,318 companies […]