… don’t take my word for it …
This is completely out of control. [youtube]9eOmKyS7Wik[/youtube] Raw Story When thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters marched north to Times Square on Saturday, the New York Police Department was quick to respond with barricades, horses, and arrests. Ryan Devereaux, a reporter with Democracy Now! who accompanied the march, described the police deployment […]
Again, former National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, addresses the decline of American power, real power. Though America’s military advantage is at an unprecedented level, real American influence around the world has almost disappeared. Brzezinski describes our fall from power as “abdication.” Read the rest with video here
September 25, 2011 CNN [youtube]BHU3HgV-JEQ[/youtube]
Lawrence Davidson looks at the questionable behaviour of the FBI, which has used the illegal practice of entrapment to concoct the Iranian plot story, and the environment of hypocrisy, political lobbies, self-serving interest groups and public indifference that permits such behaviour to take place. Article
[ & Fails. ] [youtube]3fcooDAxnz4[/youtube]
The problem, it seems, is a loss of balance. In the pursuit of profit, everything in the world – the earth itself, other species, knowledge and indeed, other people – has been turned into a “resource” to be exploited, often without care or conscience. Read the rest here [ … […]
The timing cannot be missed … [youtube]z6ONEm8NPbo[/youtube] Barry’s Al-Shabaab campaign is a real bonus for his home country of Kenya, Somalians beg for invasion … both on the border of Uganda. The timing is impossibly coincidental since Barry has been pushing it for over a year and it happens the […]
George Bush smuggled cocaine, ran terrorist operations, overthrew democratically elected governments, and sold stinger missiles through Israel to enemy Iran [youtube]OVaRuqbL6vA[/youtube] … then got caught, then lied, then became president! Then pardoned the people that did it with him, then got caught covering up his diary. George HW Bush should […]