Nice little money-making scheme. Who decides what constitutes “intolerance” and “discrimination”? It may also fine users for promoting “hate.” An even more nebulous term. Delete your Pay Pal account. They are not your “Pal”! MH October 12, 2022 By Tom Parker If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion […]

Is Pope Francis the harbinger of the NWO’s One World Religion? This has always been a goal of the UN and an intrinsic part of the infamous Project Blue Beam plan. To merge all religions and create a government-controlled false religion that makes the masses obedient both politically and ideologically. […]

More hypocrisy, contradictions and thinly veiled police-state rantings from the Red Queen herself, Jacinda Ardern, Prime-Minister-in-exile of New Zealand. MEME THE LEFT186K subscribers ## BIDEN ACTUALLY ADMITTED THIS: ## MEMES OF THE DAY – LEFTY NIMBY EDITION: ## BUMBLING BIDEN LITERALLY ASKED FOR THIS: ## WHEN YOU […]

If anyone needed proof that the powers pushing the levers behind the mindless moron who sits in the Oval Office are fully on board with the World Economic Forum/United Nations agenda of biomedical tyranny and transhumanism, look no further than the executive order that Joe Biden signed on Monday, September 12. Leo […]

Facebook has proven once again that the platform is not only part of the deep state, but also the all-powerful national security apparatus that has become a modern-day version of all-intrusive Big Brother. JD Heyes – Natural News Sept 16, 2022 According to New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, the platform has […]

I keep thinking this can’t be happening—that it must be some sort of nightmare I’ll wake up from soon.  But I’ve already seen too much of DARPA’s doings and they are not going to stop. AUTHOR: Joyce Bowen Darpa, Military behind covid-vaccines [Graphene and Quantum Entanglement] Elon Musk and Neuralink. […]
