The next generation of body scanners to be rolled out in airports will literally be able to see inside the human body, as security personnel gear up to trial machines that use deep penetrating radiation, the same kind hospitals use to examine internal organs and bones.
We Are Change/Infowars Jan 28, 2011 I contend that this story is just the tip of the iceberg into the US government’s black operations to further the Patriot Act, funding for Homeland Security and the TSA, and to keep intensity up for the so called War on Terror. Respected lawyer […]
HELP ANYONE PLEASE !!! Mercenaries with yellow hats in the street Shamsa – Benghazi, Libya – On Thursday, February 17 at noon [youtube]WsUliy-UCu0[/youtube]
[youtube]EyF2QLqz3-s[/youtube] Libyans are digging their heels in protests in key cities – despite the violent response from the police as they try to curb the anti-government demonstrations. World leaders are rounding on Libyan authorities – calling for an immediate end to the clashes. Increasing numbers of protesters are demanding for […]
The U.S. Empire includes 750-1,000 military bases in more than 130 countries. The reality of that extensive military empire has come to the forefront in Bahrain, where the authoritarian government in that country is cracking down on protestors with round-ups, jail, torture, and even extra-judicial execution. Of course, it’s a […]
Government buildings are reported to be on fire in the Libyan capital Tripoli as demonstrators demand an end to the 41-year rule of Colonel Gaddafi. [youtube]NXiTuxqRk2Y[/youtube] The son of the Libyan leader blamed opposition groups and outsiders for instigating the protests. The army is reported to be using live ammunition […]