DISINFORMATION, SPYING, INTIMIDATION, & THE BIGGEST COVER-UP IN AMERICAN HISTORY 9 years after 9/11, American drug production in Afghanistan has gone from zero to 92% of world output. Calling the drug business there anything but “American” is a lie. We don’t just “turn way,” we are in it up to […]

Painting by Anthony Freda: www.AnthonyFreda.com. A new Gallup poll shows that a majority of Americans view the government as too powerful and obtrusive. The poll found: – 59% of Americans now believe the federal government has too much power – 46% believe “the federal government poses an immediate threat to […]


The Palestinian village of An Nabi Salih gathers every Friday in protest at the theft of their land, their water and the daily brutality of the illegal Israeli occupation. As in all the Palestinian villages confronted by the overwhelming military superiority of the IDF the question turns increasingly to how […]
