The United States’ intervention in Africa is driven by America’s desire to secure valuable natural resources and political influence that will ensure the longevity of America’s capitalist system, military industrial complex, and global economic superiority – achieved through the financial and physical control of raw material exports. While America’s prosperity […]
The same group that tried to destroy the NIF and lynch Naomi Chazan a few months ago has found a new target…. this time it’s Ben Gurion University. In their own words … “Our aim isn’t to harm the university and we are not against academic freedom. We simply believe […]
[youtube]EOLhLfF3aYY[/youtube] [youtube]YVDdjLQkUV8[/youtube] [youtube]TsDEA77dgaU[/youtube]
Former Israeli Soldier Eden Abargil seems to have decency deficit problems. If nothing else she cannot see that there is in fact violence in her photos. The Palestinian men whom she is so gleefully guarding have obviously suffered violence simply by being bound and blindfolded for resisting illegal occupation. So, […]
The Israeli War Machine may not understand mortality, but cluster bombs and white phosphorous cost real money and even Uncle Sam can’t endlessly foot the bill. So what’s a humanitarian to do? Simple solution and it will work. Video:
Gilad Atzmon views the latest attempts by Israelis, Zionists and “anti-Zionist” pretenders to sabotage the free encyclopaedia Wikipedia.” Article here