GORDON DUFF ~ THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE LIES There never were plans for a mosque at “ground zero.” The entire story is made up by a public relations agency working with the Israeli government and the GOP. There are plans for an Islamic center in an old Burlington Coat Factory […]
Source: eutimes.net A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) states that a former top United States Senator, Ted Stevens, was assassinated this week after he attempted to gather evidence “proving” that President Obama has unleashed America’s devastating “weather weapons” against the World. As we had previously reported on […]
Government statisticians have put a number on Californians’ paycheck pain last year: about $40 billion. The federal Bureau of Economic Analysis said personal incomes of Golden State workers fell by that amount in 2009 compared with the previous year – the state’s first year-to-year decline since World War II. In […]
Israel threatened on Tuesday to pull out of a UN probe into its deadly flotilla raid to keep the panel from grilling its troops, as the defence minister told another inquiry the fleet was a “planned provocation.” The May 31 raid, in which Israeli commandos killed nine pro-Palestinian Turkish activists, […]
[youtube]QXy-y7TDCCs[/youtube] [youtube]HczC73ECLTE[/youtube]
[youtube]E4m6tQudSpI[/youtube] Working with a brave team in Afghanistan headed by Anita, Brave New Foundation’s Rethink Afghanistan project sent an intrepid local blogger into Sangin District of Helmand Province -one of the most dangerous areas of the country. He brought back extraordinary first-person accounts from survivors of the Sangin catastrophe. Thanks […]
The hospitals are filling up with gunshot victims but angry protesters say the world is blind to their plight. Read the rest here
Misconceptions about terrorism, regularly promoted by the mainstream media, have facilitated harmful US government actions—two wars, domestic legislation that curtailed civil liberties, excessive national security spending. That basic, factual information about terrorism is so rarely reported thus serves to reinforce the power of those who benefit from a fearful population. It […]
Every Friday, the slingshot-wielding boys, or shabab, of the West Bank village of Ni’lin hold a demonstration at Israel’s separation wall, which has deprived the village of 750 acres of farmland. But among the shabab are other youngsters with a different weapon — video cameras. “The films we are making […]