About 50 people are continuing to blockade the Israeli embassy in Dublin today in protest at Israel’s policies on Gaza. Members of the Irish Anti-war Movement gathered outside the embassy on Pembroke Road in Ballsbridge last night following a protest and have remained there in an attempt to keep the […]
Monday’s raid on ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists brought international criticism of Israel. The ships loaded with aid tried to break a three-year-old Israeli blockade of Gaza. The raid in international waters led to violence on one of the six ships. Anti-Israel protests in New York to California and back to […]
“The crack of an Israeli sound grenade and a hail of rubber bullets from above were supposed to disperse activists, but instead set them into motion. And when three Israeli commandos slid down ropes out of helicopters to take over the ship, a crowd set upon them.” Read the rest […]
Wake Up the NYC District Attorney with 1,000 Letters Help NYC CAN show the Manhattan District Attorney just how widespread the desire for a new investigation is. To bring Building 7 fully to the attention of the District Attorney, the goal is to flood the DA’s office with 1,000 letters […]
[ and lying through them, too ] Jonathan Cook argues that Israel is responding to growing domestic scrutiny of its human rights abuses and increasing international isolation, and to the erosion of its deterrence, by introducing new repressive laws and by branding its critics as supporters of terrorism. Moshe Dayan, […]
Irish citizens on board the last ship in the now-disbanded Middle East aid flotilla last night said they did not want to become “heroes or martyrs” as their voyage takes them nearer and nearer to the coast of Gaza. Belfast Telegraph, 3 June 2010 “We don’t want to be heroes […]
[youtube]k1sH_RE4CY0[/youtube] An Israeli MP who participated in Gaza aid flotilla holds press conference says, ‘It was clear from size of force that boarded ship that purpose was not to stop sail, but to cause largest number of fatalities to prevent future initiatives’. Read the rest here
Survivors of the Israeli assault on a flotilla carrying relief supplies to Gaza returned to Greece and Turkey today, giving the first eyewitness accounts of the raid in which at least 10 people died. Read the rest here