As I write this piece the scale of the Israeli lethal slaughter at sea is yet to be clear. However we already know that at around 4am Gaza time, hundreds of IDF commandos stormed the Free Gaza international humanitarian fleet. We learn from the Arab press that at least 16 […]
[youtube]YResfXTXd1c[/youtube] [youtube]v9Ss3LH0uqo[/youtube] [youtube]GvLLOt8PkG8[/youtube] [youtube]zVIwllhpiFY[/youtube] [youtube]JYZv2UnlouQ[/youtube] [youtube]a1MYD0Ckpfk[/youtube] [youtube]v1KpmaXgDxo[/youtube] [youtube]GZCAnXbv37c[/youtube] [youtube]hQHoZIFQUOU[/youtube] [youtube]cxtiaVhzGnk[/youtube] [youtube]AS98SgVS1DU[/youtube] [youtube]bBMOShSlbUU[/youtube]
In every country of the world people are outraged today by Israel’s attack on the ships that were bringing 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza. Turkey has recalled it’s foreign ministry from Israel, cutting off ties and international bodies such as the UN and the […]
[youtube]t6j-PBi59Po[/youtube] Michael Fullerton, founder of Vernon 9/11 Truth, is offering $5000 to the first person to provide some specific answers relating to the 9/11 event. Until July 1st, Okanagan residents can receive $10,000. Contestants must explain precisely how the official theory of the WTC7 collapse, as supported by NIST (The […]
[youtube]Odp1FO0Vmuw[/youtube] [youtube]i7BSt9jhxPQ[/youtube] [youtube]Pd8B-8Au-Wk[/youtube] [youtube]1rQ8_Qy0zp8[/youtube] [youtube]m3JmXQ-z8S4[/youtube] [youtube]em_XyTeNA1g[/youtube] [youtube]EZ9BofDUXv0[/youtube] [youtube]tIx2CVRxRXg[/youtube] [youtube]NHJHAp49Lh8[/youtube] [youtube]1x4TD0WP3pM[/youtube] [youtube]puWqNJI8Mjo[/youtube] [youtube]b5JVYTxjmdc[/youtube] [youtube]xs4eHvD-BrE[/youtube] [youtube]HXk0LFVAgHE[/youtube] [youtube]4oYjsVdm7dE[/youtube] [youtube]iFqYf-ID5oY[/youtube] [youtube]1kxE6lftTWU[/youtube] [youtube]9yTgbZSATTU[/youtube]
(Cyprus, June 1, 2010, 6:30 am) – Under darkness of night, Israeli commandoes boarded the Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara, and began to shoot. According to the live video from the ship, two have been killed, and 31 injured. Al Jazeera has just confirmed the numbers. Israel says […]
A comprehensive, cross-factional boycott of Jewish settlement products and produce has been launched across the West Bank, writes Khalid Amayreh There are as many as half a million Jewish settlers enjoying constant army protection in the West Bank. The vast majority of these are indoctrinated in an extreme right-wing ideology […]