Fighting now in ratchaprarop. Army saw me filming and called my apartment to tell me to stop.
This video is more than a historical document concerning US relations with Panama. It is probably the main document in public circulation covering the December 20th 1989 invasion of Panama by US forces to overthrow General Manuel Noriega for being a “drug runner”. [ Mission : Accomplished ] In it […]
Article About Data Mining Here [youtube]B37wW9CGWyY[/youtube]
https://www.norml.org.nz/article710.html In another sign authorities here are ramping up the drug war, New Zealand’s most popular marijuana magazine NORML News has been sent to the censors. “This seems to be more fallout from Operation Lime, the massive raids on gardening stores earlier this month,” said NORML News editor Chris Fowlie. […]
Millions of people from countries across the world have begun to wake up to the very real threat of repressive and engineered Globalism, or what the financial elite and the politicians who work for them often refer to as “The New World Order”. The movement against this centralization of economic […]
[ … just so we’re clear about ‘WHY’ when people start coming home in body bags. From Uncensored’s ‘Can’t Learn From History’ files ]
Kudos to cartoonist Cam Cardow, whose comics are some of the only things in my local paper that don’t throw me into a rage. Source