More info: Download and print for the protest march: ‘What’s all the fuss about the Search and Surveillance Bill’ (A4 doubles-sided tri-fold leaflet, 328kb)
[ … & just what’s wrong with allowing -ANYONE- to be able to hold you at gunpoint from orbit – anytime they bloody well feel like it ]
The United States of America, in global strategic terms, is tumbling down a series of misadventures, declining in a “step of sighs” through frustrating economic and military endeavours as it discovers that its superpower structures and massive capital wealth are insufficient to cope with a transformed world. This transformed world […]
[ this from Columbia – the North’s beachhead into the resource rich continent of South America ] A new scandal has been developing in Colombias Presidential race but the citizens of Colombia dont mind. Juan Manuel Santos has many human rights violations and a new scandal accusing him of trying […]
Date: Saturday, 24 April 2010 Time: 14:00 – 16:00 Location: Grassy area opposite Town Hall, Queen Street Link to proposed legislation: The Search and Surveillance Bill, currently being debated by Parliament, is a massive threat to civil liberties in New Zealand. It grants the Police and other […]
9/11 was the definitive act of the last ten years. It gave the federal government “justification” for: 1 : Launching endless wars in southwest Asia (already longer and more expensive than World War II) [ Lets just re-visit that last line again for a second : ‘(already longer and […]
[ or its alternate title : ‘I Don’t Think I’ve Ever Had The Source Of My Own Slavery Explained To Me So Clearly’ ] Audio