[ for those of you north of the border whose jury is still ‘out’ ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GStFFBKx9CY David Ray Griffin’s April/May 2010 Speaking Tour Itinerary. Canadian Dates: Walkerton, Ontario – Saturday, May 1 Organizers: Paul McArthur Contact Info: spmcarthur@gmail.com Name Of Venue: Victoria Jubilee Hall Address Of Venue: 111 Jackson Street […]
[ This guy isn’t me. ( I found him when I was googleing myself ) If you are thinking of joining the army anytime soon (either due to a perceived lack of options, or otherwise) – or if you are ‘thinking’ of hiring your own bad carcass to a company […]
The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are not under siege and are not enduring a humanitarian crisis, IDF chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi said in a briefing to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Tuesday. Read the rest of this shite here
[ … all this and brains, too … ] https://www.democracynow.org/2010/3/22/arundhati_roy_on_obamas_wars_india
… of the Jedi The Presidents Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech is one of the great sins of his presidency. He posited an essentially warlike nature to man not borne out by science. For a person who frequently cites King and Gandhi, President Obama showed a stunning ignorance of history […]
[ … and now it’s time for some mass hysteria ] Dr Norman Finkelstein’s appearance at the University of Waterloo was a combative one with lots of heckling and cheering throughout the speech. As we’ve come to expect, he delivered a blistering message on Israel that was the polar opposite […]