Few phenomena have had a profound impact on a global level as quickly as the current corona outbreak. In no time, human life has been completely reorganised. I asked Mattias Desmet, Psychotherapist and Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, how this is possible, what the consequences are, and what […]
Shocking scenes obtained by Veritas. Project Veritas895K subscribers Donate: https://www.projectveritas.com/donate Get emails: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/j/E… Follow: Telegram: https://t.me/project_veritas FB: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas IG: https://www.instagram.com/project_ver… Telegram: https://t.me/JamesOKeefeIII Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jamesokeefeiii IG: https://www.instagram.com/jamesokeefe… Mission Statement Investigate & expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a […]
For the Empire, truth as such has no meaning. An operation is successful or it is not – and that is all. There is no ‘Yes…but was it true?’ Nick Kollerstrom – Terror on the Tube March 20, 2021 Above: GCHQ Cheltenham. New UK Intel report The Empire aspires to […]
In what may become the most unexpected and, perhaps, unwanted political comebacks in American political history, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, who never inspired much confidence on the 2020 presidential campaign trail, may soon find herself, through default, the next president of the United States. Should the world start praying […]
“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” ― Frank Zappa TheCrowhouse 51499 subscribers http://thecrowhouse.comTheCrowhouse YouTube Archive on AltCensored:https://www.altcensored.com/channel/UCegOTmclzjfKuQh0SHflqwwBitChute https://… Support The Crowhouse: https://www.patreon.com/maxiganCrypto-currencies:Bitcoin: bc1q8cjrfzjwzr6z5maxvp4d2p6arwtguj5c9fcea7Monero: 47aohp7p1Ci7uU44NqgpezLVG7uxCuo1dSwGBYv935aVDPw9MSeEwksey5MJRyBU7jQfHtPjcTN5b2zo29MXnpzu7h751cB Melbourne scientists create first artificial human embryo out of skin cellshttps://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6241376363001 Would you eat an insect burger?https://www.facebook.com/BBCOne/videos/would-you-eat-an-insect-burger/2408547029223025/ Amazon Onehttps://one.amazon.com/ […]
A man lives in a society where citizens police each other with their mobile phones Coming to your reality very, very soon! NIGHTBREED 2909 subscribers
We were warned by Jordan Peterson of the coming perils of Canadian Bill C16. And here we are. MH Erin PersePost MillenialWed, 17 Mar 2021 There is a man in Canada who can only be alluded to as He Who Shall Not Be Named: Robert Hoogland. For the sake of […]
Scotland’s highly controversial Hate Crime and Public Order Bill has passed with 82 votes in favor, 32 against, and four abstained. Didi RankovicReclaim the NetFri, 12 Mar 2021 The bill, that has been hotly contested by freedom of speech advocates, builds on the already existing legislation criminalizing what’s termed as “stirring up” hatred against […]
“Must watch” talk by a man who tells the truth, and was punished as a traitor for “doing the right thing”. “It’s Happening NOW! You Have Been Warned” | Edward Snowden 🛎️ For more mind-opening and motivation videos please subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2PkGNfI Order a copy of Edward Snowden’s […]
The video “What is the Great Reset?” is a bizarre piece of PR / propaganda. At face value, it appears to say “don’t worry about the Great Reset, we love you all very much”. However, through coercive words and powerful symbols, the message most people get is “we’re doing this […]