Here’s an excerpt from the introduction: From: Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimationRonald B. Brown, PhDSchool of Public Health and Health Systems “On September 23, 1998, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) permanently lost contact with the $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter. 1 A […]
Readers will already be familiar with Gates’ quantum dot “digital certificate” and Luciferase. Here’s more on the subject. MH Great Game IndiaMon, 07 Sep 2020 A project funded by Bill Gates aims to deliver an invisible quantum tattoo hidden in the coronavirus vaccine for storing your vaccination history. The researchers showed […]
9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along to once again throw the world into chaos. By The Corbett Report But whereas the post-9/11 era introduced America to the concept […]
That’s Right, Please Leave Your White Privilege at the Door and Watch Yourself on the Way Out If you as a white person do not consider yourself racist then you are out of step with the warped post-modernism view of the world and desperately in need of redemption by application […]
Sing it with me, children: “He’s got the whole world in his hands…” Food For Thought 2.44K subscribers Bill Gates caught on video admitting that his ‘experimental’ vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER. He’s experimenting with human beings like we are a test crop of GMO corn or barley!
Many States of Australia are now becoming totalitarian Police States. This is the stuff you aren’t seeing on TV! MH By John Vibes Earlier this week we reported that a pregnant woman from Melbourne, Australia, was arrested in her home for creating a social media page for an anti-lockdown protest. According to a […]
“We just willingly sacrificed the Constitutional rights they fought for in order to hide from a virus with a 997 out of 1000 survival rate…” Stacey RudinAmerican Institute for Economic ResearchTue, 01 Sep 2020 In George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel “1984,” protagonist Winston wonders whether he is the only person […]
These days, going out without wearing a face mask is considered poor form – and, in some places, an offense. But the mayor of an Italian town says fines should be slapped on those wearing a mask in an “inappropriate” situation. RTSat, 05 Sep 2020 In the same way global […]
Coleman socks it to YT, Wikipedia and the BBC. Watch it before its taken down! International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why this is the last video for his rapidly growing YouTube channel. He also explains why he doesn’t use wikipedia, why people should sue […]