As I write this, something extraordinary has just happened. Public pressure has led the British Parliament to refuse a prime minister’s demand for war for the first time since the surrender at Yorktown, and the U.S. Congress has followed suit by making clear to the U.S. president that his proposed […]
It’s either arrest the 1% psychopaths who smile as they lie and kill, or suffer all the consequences of allowing these poverty-murders to continue, month after month, million after million. Article
In 2011 when Muhammar Qaddafi refused to leave quietly as ruler of Libya, the Obama Administration, hiding behind the skirts of the French, launched a ferocious bombing campaign and a “No Fly” zone over the country to aid the so-called fighters for democracy. The US lied to Russia and China […]
Had enough of the secrecy of the TPPA (“Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement”) negotiations? So have a number of prominent Kiwi actors, musicians and commentators. They have made a video that airs on TVNZ Breakfast and TV3 Firstline on Tuesday 1 October calling for the government to release the TPPA text – and urging you to sign the petition to the PM […]
… is an alternative news blog with news collected from alternative news sources in order to provide an alternative news source to people sick of the Mainstream Media Propaganda machine. The topics are primarily but not exclusively: 9/11, New Zealand politics, John Key’s history, the global financial system, & […]
A chemical attack may be launched on Israel by Syrian rebels from government-controlled territories as a “major provocation,” multiple sources told RT.
[According to US Defense official] “We are going to attack and destroy the government in seven countries in five years. We are going to start with Iraq… (quoted by General Wesley Clark). The United States has been supporting Al Qaeda and they are supporting Al Qaeda in Syria.