With the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, we host a roundtable discussion on a revolutionary leader whose democratic-socialist policies not only transformed his country, but helped steer the entire Latin American region away from U.S.-backed neoliberalism.
A look back over the last season if you missed it. [youtube]kjotnXGPcD8[/youtube]
SO like hollywood to like cancel a show just when it starts getting really – really – interesting. I haven’t been this miffed since they prematurely canned ‘Twin Peaks’ & ‘Angel’ . ‘Last Resort’ marks the American Broadcast Corporation’s first ( and maybe it’s last ? ) foray into the […]
[ It’s too bad that there are so few like him ] President Hugo Chávez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution that has swept through Latin America and indeed the world died at 4:25 p.m. today in Caracas following a 2 year battle […]
Explosive revelations from a former Greek diplomat here
[youtube]NLokvR5UsQQ[/youtube] [youtube]SfxcxYkPx4E[/youtube] [youtube]oaZRuULCAXM[/youtube] [ … tell him he’s wrong. ]
A complaint about broadcaster Vincent Browne referring to Israel as the “cancer of foreign affairs” on his late night TV3 show was upheld by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s complaints committee. During the programme, Mr Browne said Israel “polarises the Islamic community of the world against the rest of the […]