Three leading scientists, one a world authority on the composition of Anthrax, have produced a paper that presents evidence that directly calls into question the FBI’s version of events surrounding the 2001 anthrax mail attacks. The paper by Coordinator of the World Health Organization (WHO) Working Group on Anthrax Research […]
Inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests on the other side of the Atlantic, demonstrators plan to establish a tent city in London’s City financial district next weekend. “The Wall Street protests sort of inspired everything,” said Kai Wargalla, who co-created the Occupy London Facebook group. “It was just […]
“Then the military attacked. They came rushing forward, beating anyone in their path. Then they started opening fire. The sound of gunfire filled the air,” said Kouddous. “It was really a scene of chaos, a scene of bloodshed, the likes of which I have not seen since the revolution here […]
Currently, protest events are in the makings in 1,060 cities worldwide, according to the unofficial website Occupy Together, a number which is constantly increasing. Read the rest here
“There are some scandals that refuse to die either because they are never fully investigated or because those responsible for them never paid the price they should have” – Gideon Levy. ISSUES that should concern everyone, but especially in America have been subverted, degraded, perverted, retracted, eradicated, expunged, obscured, obliterated, […]
On October 6, thousands massed in Washington on the 10th anniversary of America’s illegal Afghan war against a nonbelligerent country. Years ago it was lost. Nonetheless, it continues without end. The business of America is war, permanent wars, multiple ones. One nation after another is plundered for wealth and power […]
[youtube]A6YU2n81erQ[/youtube] Hamza Yusuf