[ Wonder if it has anything to do with this embarrassing little episode ] A U.S. Marine task force is about to be deployed in the war against Somalia, where American drones are stepping up their predations. [ … & predator drones help hungry people – how ? ] […]
“The Cold War delayed the democratic movement in the Arab world, but it will not be stopped now.” ~ Prof. Hamid Dabashi, Columbia University [youtube]iFV7VrHGLoA[/youtube]
The Chalice & The Blade: The Most Important Book Since ‘The Origin Of The Species.’ ~ Ashley Montagu Princeton Anthropologist This international bestseller – now in 23 foreign editions, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, and most European languages – tells a fascinating new story of our past, present, […]
The history of the Modern Age is a powerful, authoritarian sweep. It began in its modern incarnation some 300 years ago – perhaps even longer. It is run by powerful banking families and their enablers and its goal is one world government. The concept of the Wolf State is […]
[youtube]wFidciVopu4[/youtube] Refer this video to anyone who believes the official 9/11 myth. Gladly upload it to your channel with a different title.
A speech by Cynthia McKinney after returning from her trip to Libya L.A. June 18, 2011, where she calls for the impeachment of President Obama for war crimes. [youtube]1XZHJgCwJ3w[/youtube]
[youtube]k3ihFIVK8DQ[/youtube] as they continue to allow themselves be hoodwinked by their own nose-ring-led attempt to fool them into an ‘Orange vs Green’ paradigm.
Tracks the change in food stamp participation on a national map since January 2007, as a percentage of each state’s population, while Sinatra sings I’ve got the world on a string. [youtube]z87XBKNto4Q[/youtube] Runs 90 seconds. Source
The world’s monetary systems are crashing and as a direct result economies all over the world are collapsing in tandem, at break neck speed with absolutely no sign or possibility of abating. We have reached the point of no return, that not even the most extreme plan of “fiscal responsibility” […]
& yes they are : Descending Horizontal Blasts At Speed Of Falling Debris [youtube]Fe8vXXrfDx8[/youtube] [ This is the very clip that clinched it for me. ]