It is clear that the United States and its Western European allies were caught completely unprepared for the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Bahrain, as well as the upheavals throughout the Arab world. On the other hand, many of us in the region have been repeatedly and explicitly […]
Did you know that governments can and do ask YouTube to remove certain videos? The US and the UK are the biggest customers of this “service.” How it works: Video : – Brasscheck
[ Music by Nine Inch Nails ( remixed ) & M.I.A. ] [youtube]VxKTXO6Rhrw[/youtube] [youtube]W101r07DVww[/youtube] [youtube]lntNYsw7Fc0[/youtube] [youtube]uqLCVd-Z-oo[/youtube]
[youtube]32t2bUzKmjE[/youtube] Europe is seeing a surge in anti-Israeli sentiment, with a growing clamour for governments to stop turning a blind eye to the occupation of Palestinian land. Activists say they want actions not words, and are demanding an embargo on exports from illegal settlements. But, as Daniel Bushell reports, politicians […]
[youtube]ZmRSSnGrCnY[/youtube] [youtube]36M0qXtwGxA[/youtube]
List compiled by – & with thanks to – Brian John Evans Feel free to email these news folks and let them know what you think of what is going on around you. . A word on email etiquette : Indeed, while many of these people have spent the last […]
The Coalition’s obsession with climate change is damaging Britain’s recovery from recession, former Tory chancellor Nigel Lawson warns today. Writing in the Daily Mail, Lord Lawson delivers a scathing assessment of David Cameron’s so-called ‘green agenda’ and says it is ‘time this Government grew up’. Lord Lawson, one of […]
An unclassified version of the software used by the FBI has allowed Veterans Today to track the IP addresses of a group of, what appeared to be, hate mongers and racists whose rhetoric borders on terrorist extremism. What we found was astounding. In one case, an individual using the […]
[ Anyone not see this coming ? ] Amid continuing NATO bombing, the Libya contact group of the US and its allies met yesterday in Abu Dhabi to thrash out plans for a client regime to replace Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. For all the Western propaganda about establishing democracy in Libya, […]