This Couplet of poems is deliberately thematically linked. The common underlying idea is that of redemption and resurrection. This theme is not new in the indigenous discourse – poets such as Fanon and DuBois used it extensively. Hone Tuwhare touches on it. More recently singers such as Bob Marley […]
[ … feeling ‘safer’ yet ? ] [youtube]FxBSqzD0KY8[/youtube]
[ Oh. My. God. ] [ Henry Kissinger & Richard Millhouse Nixon jumping onto a helicopter somewhere in Vietnam, 1969 ] A prominent member of Switzerland’s largest political party has called upon federal authorities to arrest Henry Kissinger as a war criminal if he attends the 2011 Bilderberg conference of […]
Roseanne Barr is tired of watching as men destroy the world. [youtube]iSZYGyOK_yY[/youtube] Everything used to be beautiful when women were in charge, and now Roseanne, working as the physical manifestation of the goddess Isis and the reincarnation of Cleopatra, has decided to save the world. [ oh thank -god- ]
When they bombed Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, El Salvador and Nicaragua I said nothing because I wasn’t a communist. . When they bombed China, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, and the Congo I said nothing because I didn’t know about it. . When they bombed Lebanon and Grenada I said nothing […]
We live in a world where economic positions – income and wealth – are very unevenly distributed, and this leads to the widespread persistence of poverty. The bottom half of humanity is living in severe poverty not all of them are malnourished or severely deprived now, but they are extremely […]
This must be what it was like in Russia before the Soviet Union collapsed. The government’s so crooked that nothing works right, the infrastructure’s in a shambles, millions of people are scraping by on government handouts, and everyone’s on a permanent downer. Welcome to the United States of America 2011. […]
[youtube]tkJNyQfAprY[/youtube] [youtube]UdvIUHw31js[/youtube] [youtube]cFevDtxbBHM[/youtube] [youtube]VZbM_MIz4RM[/youtube] [youtube]xk5aZYVhxAg[/youtube]
[ from the dark horses’ mouth ] [youtube]GFQMpD796tw[/youtube]
Libyan officials say the NATO military campaign has killed at least 718 civilians and wounded 4,067 in the North African country over the past 10 weeks. The government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim announced the death and injured tolls in a news conference in Tripoli. “Since March 19, and up to May […]